The OBC 15km Time Trial Handicap Championships Return

(Note that the handicaps are adjusted proportionally for other distances.)

After a more than ten year absence the OBC Time Trial Handicap Championships return on
Thursday September 7th on the Eastern Parkway. Registration is at the Aviation Museum
Parking lot at 5.30pm. There are trophies and free tickets (one each) to the Annual Awards
banquet for the male and female champions. This event is open to members only.


The handicap system is somewhat arbitrary and may need to be adjusted next year based
on this year's results which we'll treat as a trial run. To keep it simple, the handicap
is based on the rider's age on his or her birthday in the year 2000. Veterans' clubs
use a straight line handicap method based on years (or months) over a baseline age
times a fixed number of seconds. We have modified the method to fit our profile. Best
OBC rider performances by age deviate moderately close to the baseline age range and
sharply at the ends of the overall age range so the handicap line is curved - flat in
the middle, rising rapidly at its age extremities. The women's system is the same as the
men's but adjusted to reflect OBC Womens' TT profile. The baseline time (i.e. no handicap)
applies to riders aged 25 to 39 years of age. All other actual times will be adjusted down
based on the following chart.


Age	 15	16	17	18	19	20	21	22	23	24
secs.	100	90	80	70	60	50	40	30	20	10

Age	40	41	42	43	44	45	46	47	48	49
secs.	 4	 8	12	16	20	25	30	35	40	45

Age	50	51	52	53	54	55	56	57	 58	 59
secs.	51	57	63	69	75	83	91	99	107	115

Age	 60	 61	 62	 63	 64	 65	 66	 67	 68	 69
secs.	125	135	145	155	165	177	189	201	213	225


Age	 15	16	17	18	19	20	21	22	23	24
secs.	100	90	80	70	60	50	40	30	20	10

Age	40	41	42	43	44	45	46	47	48	49
secs.	 5	10	15	20	25	31	37	43	49	55

Age	50	51	52	53	54	55	56	57	58	59
secs.	62	69	76	83	90	99	108	117	126	135

Age	60	61	62	63	64	65	66	67	68	69
secs.	146	157	168	179	190	201	212	223	234	245

Handicap Calculation Method

Males      Handicap (in secs.)

0-25         10*(25 - age)
25-39               0
40-44           4*(age - 39)
45-49      20 + 5*(age - 44)
50-54      45 + 6*(age - 49)
55-59      75 + 8*(age - 54)
60-64     115 + 10*(age - 59)
65-69     165 + 12*(age - 64)
70-80     225 + 14*(age - 69)

Females    Handicap (in secs.)

0-25         10*(25 - age)
25-39               0
40-44           5*(age - 39)
45-49      25 + 6*(age - 44)
50-54      55 + 7*(age - 49)
55-59      90 + 9*(age - 54)
60-70     135 + 11*(age - 59)