This site, now in its 27th season, is a labour of love and fun from one of Ottawa's most avid time trialists and number crunchers. It adheres to and is permitted by the laws of Canada, promotes the objectives of every bicycle club whose results are shown, and is donated free of charge by myself for your enjoyment and usage. If you would like results from series you ride in to be shown here, give me ( a shout!
NOTE that this site had to be quickly moved to a new server with a new version of Perl. Unfortunately the way of interacting with the web form has changed, so I'll have to do some reprogramming to get the buttons and search boxes working. Meanwhile the links work fine and you can always add query specifications into the URL! :-)

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OBC Open TT Series - 2002-Aug-01 - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.9443)

Weather (18:00): Mainly Sunny. Temperature: 31&de;C, Humidity 48%, Humidex 38°C, Pressure 101.2kPa, Wind: S 9km/h.
Weather (19:00): Mainly Sunny. Temperature: 30&de;C, Humidity 53%, Humidex 38°C, Pressure 101.2kPa, Wind: SSE 7km/h.

Quite the assortment of 73 riders came out tonight - from 9 year olds Nick Krausbar (29:26) and Rick-Paul Skvaridlo (32:10), to Hermann Kerckhoff who pulled out a PB of 21:54 in his 65th year! Hermann may find that these young guys provide him some good competition in the age-handicapped time trial. The age span amongst the women was impressive too, as was the quality of riding for our youngest (Lynne Wolfson, 19, 23:10) and oldest (Mary Ajersch, almost 62, 25:48 (with a year's 15km best of 25:06 (so far) in the WTT!)) ladies. One could only hope that these high quality riders also have to opportunity of being gender-handicapped into the same race as the males - though, curiously, some of the men are against allowing this kind of competition to develop. Oh well, at least one woman managed to take the top spot overall twice this year even without any gender handicap!

Meanwhile, riders continue to perform other interesting handicapping experiments - This week Sally Datars arrived senza cycling shoes and rode the event shoed in a pair of flip-flops - with a darn good speed, under the circumstances!