This site, now in its 27th season, is a labour of love and fun from one of Ottawa's most avid time trialists and number crunchers. It adheres to and is permitted by the laws of Canada, promotes the objectives of every bicycle club whose results are shown, and is donated free of charge by myself for your enjoyment and usage. If you would like results from series you ride in to be shown here, give me ( a shout!
NOTE that this site had to be quickly moved to a new server with a new version of Perl. Unfortunately the way of interacting with the web form has changed, so I'll have to do some reprogramming to get the buttons and search boxes working. Meanwhile the links work fine and you can always add query specifications into the URL! :-)

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OBC Open TT Series - 2006-Jun-15 - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.9294)

Weather (18:00): Distant Precipitation. Temperature: 23°C, Humidity: 41%, Dew point: 9&de;C, Wind: NNW 15 gust 46km/h, Pressure: 101.5kPa, Vis: 32km, Humidex: *.
Weather (19:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 23°C, Humidity: 46%, Dew point: 11&de;C, Wind: W 5km/h, Pressure: 101.5kPa, Vis: 32km, Humidex: 25.
Weather (20:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 23°C, Humidity: 43%, Dew point: 10&de;C, Wind: W 9km/h, Pressure: 101.5kPa, Vis: 32km, Humidex: *.

There were technical problems at the start/finish line. We think that the results have all been properly corrected, but please let me know if you think that there is an error in your time!

With diminishing winds from the NNW and W, this was a great night for time trialing, and 35 of the 48 finishers who had ridden earlier in the 2006 OTT series exceeded or met their previous 2006-OTT best tonight, with 15 achieving a cube-speed improvement of more than 10%. Gary Romkey, 60 this year, pulled off a VDM category best of 21:42, bettering the mark of 21:46 set by Chris Griffiths last year, and the competition was good! Chris was second in 21:56 while Bram Moerman did his best Vet D ride so far with 22:04.

You can check out how tonight's performances rank via the various age-handicapping methods which have been used in this club by checking the appropriate method under "HANDICAPS" and then clicking on the "Time" sort button. Equivalently, you can just click on the following links for 2000-2001, 2002 and 2003. Note that all of these methods merely give a constant number of seconds handicap for a particular age, and hence give more of an age handicap advantage to the fast men than they do to the women or slower men. It would be easy to remedy this problem mathematically by "normalizing" the handicaps by the ratio of a person's cube speed to a fixed reference cube speed. To see how much less of an advantage the slower riders get for an age handicap, consider Ivanie Blondin and Logan Cornel, who have the same birthyear. Logan gets a cube-speed advantage of 1.286 whereas Ivanie gets only 1.243. Ivanie ends up with a handicap speed of 37.578 via the 2003 age-handicap method, whereas in a fairer method in which both she and Logan get a 1.286 fractional power increase, her handicap speed would be 38.878, which would move her up in the handicap rankings.