This site, now in its 27th season, is a labour of love and fun from one of Ottawa's most avid time trialists and number crunchers. It adheres to and is permitted by the laws of Canada, promotes the objectives of every bicycle club whose results are shown, and is donated free of charge by myself for your enjoyment and usage. If you would like results from series you ride in to be shown here, give me ( a shout!
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OBC Women's TT Series - 2008-Aug-12 - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.9722)

Weather (18:00): Mainly Sunny. Temperature: 22°C, Humidity: 48%, Dew point: 10°C, Wind: WNW 21 gust 32km/h, Pressure: 100.8kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Weather (19:00): Mainly Sunny. Temperature: 21°C, Humidity: 50%, Dew point: 10°C, Wind: W 17km/h, Pressure: 100.8kPa, Visibility: 24km.
Weather (20:00): Mainly Sunny. Temperature: 19°C, Humidity: 59%, Dew point: 11°C, Wind: W 11km/h, Pressure: 100.8kPa, Visibility: 24km.

These results were first posted on the OBC site circa 23:10 on 2008-Aug-12 and are available here for your added pleasure and analysis.

There was one new rider to welcome tonight - Heidi Ploeg from Wisonsin who was up to visit her family and to do a fourth-placed fast 39.852 km/h ride - or, in American-speak, about 24.76 mph. The top four riders finished in less than 23 minutes tonight, and the first three were quicker than 40 km/h.

With nice low air pressure but the winds a little higher than ideal, two women improved upon their previous database best for 15km and seven women improved upon their previous 2008 WTT best. The most improved in both of these regards was Alison Ingham, who was very happy with her new machine! Her previous database best had been 25:16 on 2006-Jun-01, a minute and 5 seconds slower. The only other person to improve upon her database best was Alison James, out for her second ride this season and her third ever OBC time trial. The second most improved in terms of earlier 2008 WTT performances, with a more than 9% increase in her cube-speed, was Barbara Wilson, who joked afterwards that she had been "harassed" by the passing Sandra Bender for still riding her heavy, old bike in this year in which so many of us have upgraded our equipment.

You can click here if you wish to see the fastest five 2008 WTT performances of each participant, sorted by the average of the average speeds, or if you're adventuresome, see what you can pick out as noteworthy in the 2008 WTT series from the Advanced form. Ideas for awards and reasons to celebrate are always welcome.


1 Stephenson, Jennifer  OBC/ULT 21:35 41.699 1/21 U40F 1/6 0.9910
2 Matte, Sophie  OBC/EMD 21:47 41.316 2/21 U40F 2/6 0.9820
3 Revesz, Erika  OBC 22:16 40.419 3/21 U60F 1/6 0.9870
s4 Ploeg, Heidi --- 22:35 39.852 4/21 U50F 1/6  
5 Bradley, Kathy  OBC 23:14 38.737 5/21 U40F 3/6 0.9810
6 LaViolette, Nicole  OBC 23:37 38.109 6/21 U50F 2/6 0.9770
7 James, Alison OBC 23:38 38.082 7/21 U40F 4/6 1.0520
8 Pazdzior, Ellen  OBC 23:57 37.578 8/21 U60F 2/6 0.9650
9 Ingham, Alison 
(New bike and helmet - Worth every cent - WOW!)
OBC 24:11 37.216 9/21 U50F 3/6 1.2450
10 Panchen, Zoe  OBC 24:25 36.860 10/21 U50F 4/6 1.0120
11 Manning, Nancy  OBC 24:28 36.785 11/21 U60F 3/6 0.9170
12 McInnis, Celia 
(New wheels - Next time with more than 60 psi!)
OBC/ABC 24:29 36.760 12/21 U60F 4/6 0.9680
13 Marleau, Dianne 
(first WTT ride with new bike)
OBC/RWR 24:35 36.610 13/21 U50F 5/6 1.0710
14 Ferlatte, Kari  FAE 25:16 35.620 14/21 U40F 5/6 0.9840
15 Ajersch, Mary  OBC 26:11 34.373 15/21 U70F 1/3 0.9920
16 Ramonat, Christa 
(Went all the way to Montreal Road because of all the cars!)
OBC 26:30 33.962 16/21 U60F 5/6 0.9590
17 Bender, Sandra  OBC 26:31 33.941 17/21 U50F 6/6 0.8960
18 Delaney, Anna  OBC 27:39 32.550 18/21 U70F 2/3 1.0420
19 Hammingh, Jane  OBC 27:53 32.277 19/21 U60F 6/6 0.9540
20 Byskov, Karen  OBC 29:23 30.630 20/21 U40F 6/6 1.0640
21 Wilson, Barbara  OBC 29:29 30.526 21/21 U70F 3/3 1.0930
Average Speed of all of the above 9 finishes (185km in 04:38:31):39.854
>>>Average of the Average Speeds for these 9 finishes40.495<<<

The number of data records shown above is 21
The server processing of your query took: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.04 CPU)

Thanks to our Helpers: Dave Gerard, Jim Glover, Jane Hammingh, Lisa Hébert, Jackie Madill, Don Wilson.


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