This site, now in its 27th season, is a labour of love and fun from one of Ottawa's most avid time trialists and number crunchers. It adheres to and is permitted by the laws of Canada, promotes the objectives of every bicycle club whose results are shown, and is donated free of charge by myself for your enjoyment and usage. If you would like results from series you ride in to be shown here, give me ( a shout!
NOTE that this site had to be quickly moved to a new server with a new version of Perl. Unfortunately the way of interacting with the web form has changed, so I'll have to do some reprogramming to get the buttons and search boxes working. Meanwhile the links work fine and you can always add query specifications into the URL! :-)

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OBC Women's TT Series - 2010-Aug-31 (Invitational) - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.9605)

Weather (18:00): Sunny. Temperature: 30°C, Humidity: 59%, Dew point: 22°C, Wind: SW 18km/h, Pressure: 101.6kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 39.
Weather (19:00): Mainly Sunny. Temperature: 29°C, Humidity: 66%, Dew point: 22°C, Wind: SSW 15km/h, Pressure: 101.6kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 38.
Weather (20:00): Mainly Clear. Temperature: 27°C, Humidity: 75%, Dew point: 22°C, Wind: SSW 13km/h, Pressure: 101.6kPa, Vis: 16km, Humidex: 37.

Photos taken by Celia McInnis and Geoffrey Wright.

Nice warm temperatures with a fairly light breeze resulted in some good performances tonight despite the rather high air pressure. Of the six individual riders who had ridden a previous 2010 WTT event, two - Mary Ajersch and Julie Belanger - improved upon their previous season/series best. Note that Mary's ride of 25:52, a season/series improvement of more than 9%, sets yet another 70-79 year old best, improving upon Mary's earlier mark of 26:39 by 47 seconds - Congratulations Mary! Likewise for the multi-person teams who had ridden earlier WTT Invitationals, two - Cameron/Ingham (by 12.6%) and the Schucks (by 6.28%) - out of six improved over their previous database best. As well, and as would be expected, the tandem paid of Douglas van den Ham and Louise Boutin which did 21:51, improved considerably, by more than 8 minutes, over their previous attempt on two bikes. Lots of fun as always, and I hope that my TTT partner, Christina Czaban, has recovered from the terrible back and neck spasms which arose at the 6km mark in the course. The good news is that amongst the WTT people there, two are physiotherapists (Flavia Nascimento and Veronik Bourgon), and they came to the rescue immediately after the race to help. Luckily the ice which Lisa brought had not all melted! Yes, quite a good set of abilities amongst the WTT women - knowledge in health care, law, all aspects of computers, translation, mathematics, real estate, teaching, chemistry, engineering, and so on! The company is as enjoyable and stimulating as the athletic competition is. I hope to see many of you throughout the off season! -- Celia McInnis.

Four of these results were first posted on the OBC site until about 07:30 on 2010-Sep-01 at which point the remaining ones were added. The results are also available here for your added pleasure and analysis.

(Lest complaints about me just lazily sucking in the results surface, I wish to make it perfectly clear that I would gladly do the data entry, getting the results up within a few of hours of the event, as history shows that I did for the WTT series for the decade beginning in 1998, and for the OTT series from 1999-2002 and again in 2006. The OBC Board however, not only won't let me volunteer here, but strangely enough they actually expelled me from the OBC for donating this time trial web site to you ! It is strange to me that a bike club would expel one of the most avid cyclists in town because she volunteers a cool cycling service...)


s1 Cameron, Allen & Ingham, Alison
(The "A" Team)
OBC/RWR 21:29 41.893 1/28 TTT 1/19  
2 Deavy, Carol & Gerrard, David 
(Aero Dynamics)
OBC 21:38 41.602 2/28 TTT 2/19  
Y3 Boutin, Louise & van den Ham, Douglas 
(The Train)
OBC 21:51 41.190 3/28 TAN 1/1  
4 Schuck, Joanne & Schuck, Peter 
(True Grit)
OBC 21:56 41.033 4/28 TTT 3/19  
5 Darville, Courtnay & Yardley, Jane  OBC/CYF 22:15 40.449 5/28 TTT 4/19  
6 Glover, Jim & LaViolette, Nicole 
OBC 22:43 39.618 6/28 TTT 5/19  
Knowles, Kelly & Lavoie, Marcel OBC 22:43 39.618 6/28 TTT 5/19  
8 MacKinnon, Anita & Tregunno, Peter 
(Tea and Coffee)
OBC 22:50 39.416 8/28 TTT 7/19  
9 Gagnon, Alexandre & Wilson, Ali
(Alex Squared Powered by Rice Cakes)
OBC 23:12 38.793 9/28 TTT 8/19  
10 Manning, Nancy & Robitaille, Brian  OBC 23:31 38.271 10/28 TTT 9/19  
11 Marleau, Dianne 
(Marleau Express)
OBC/RWR 23:43 37.948 11/28 U50F 1/3 0.9520
12 Ferlatte, Kari & Gonsalves, Rory OBC/FC 23:44 37.921 12/28 TTT 10/19  
13 Czaban, Christina & McInnis, Celia 
(Ban za Sinnics)
OBC/ABC/CYF 24:21 36.961 13/28 TTT 11/19  
14 Lehmkuhl, Brian & Scheffler, Heike
(Team Roos)
OBC 24:31 36.710 14/28 TTT 12/19  
15 Appotive, Eric & Woodstock, Carole OBC 24:53 36.169 15/28 TTT 13/19  
16 Bender, Sandra & Hébert, Lisa 
(Old Cranks)
OBC 25:02 35.952 16/28 TTT 14/19  
17 Morton, Dave & Nascimento, Flavia  OBC 25:37 35.133 17/28 TTT 15/19  
s18 Ajersch, Mary 
(There's something about Mary)
OBC 25:52 34.794 18/28 U80F 1/1 1.0940
19 Cooper, David & Cooper, Jean 
(The Cooperators)
OBC 26:21 34.156 19/28 TTT 16/19  
20 Belanger, Julie OBC 26:27 34.026 20/28 U40F 1/2 1.0600
21 Hicks, Bob & Morris, Jane
OBC 26:28 34.005 21/28 TTT 17/19  
22 McKibbon, Donna OBC 26:57 33.395 22/28 U50F 2/3  
23 Slaunwhite, Patricia & Verheyden, Peter 
(Pokey Peddlers)
OBC 27:24 32.847 23/28 TTT 18/19  
24 Hammingh, Jane  OBC 29:03 30.981 24/28 U60F 1/2 0.8860
25 MacDonald-Murray, Sarah & Murray, Kevin & Murray, Reid
(Two and a half Kids)
OBC 31:17 28.769 25/28 TTT 19/19  
26 Byskov, Karen  OBC 31:43 28.376 26/28 U40F 2/2 0.9660
27 Caron, Lili 
(Wheel of Fortune)
OBC 32:40 27.551 27/28 U50F 3/3 0.9590
28 Revesz, Erika  OBC DNF   28/28 U60F 2/2  
Average Speed of all of the above 3 finishes (120km in 03:04:46):38.968
>>>Average of the Average Speeds for these 3 finishes38.991<<<

The number of data records shown above is 28
The server processing of your query took: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.04 CPU)

Thanks to our Helpers: Sandra Bender, John Cooper, Bernard Durand, Kari Ferlatte, Margot Hall, Lisa Hébert, Bob Hicks, Laura Johnson, Patricia Konantz, Nancy Manning, Wendy Van Der Weyden, Don Wilson, Geoffrey Wright.


Apr 2 (Good Friday)
May 4 (10km) May 6 May 11 (10km) May 13 May 18 May 18 (10km) May 20 May 25 May 25 (10km) May 27 May 30 (40km) May 31 (10km)
Jun 1 Jun 1 Jun 3 Jun 8 Jun 8 Jun 10 Jun 14 (10km) Jun 15 Jun 15 Jun 17 Jun 22 (Cancelled - Rained Out) Jun 22 Jun 24 Jun 28 (10km) Jun 29 Jun 29
Jul 4 (40km) Jul 6 Jul 6 Jul 8 Jul 12 Jul 13 Jul 13 Jul 15 Jul 20 Jul 20 Jul 22 Jul 26 Jul 27 Jul 27 Jul 29
Aug 3 (Cancelled) Aug 3 Aug 5 Aug 8 (40km) Aug 10 Aug 10 Aug 12 Aug 15 (40km) Aug 17 Aug 17 Aug 19 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 26 Aug 31
  Aug 31 (Invitational)  
Sep 2 Sep 7 Sep 9 Sep 12 (40km) Sep 14 Sep 19 (40km) Sep 21 Sep 28

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