This site, now in its 27th season, is a labour of love and fun from one of Ottawa's most avid time trialists and number crunchers. It adheres to and is permitted by the laws of Canada, promotes the objectives of every bicycle club whose results are shown, and is donated free of charge by myself for your enjoyment and usage. If you would like results from series you ride in to be shown here, give me ( a shout!
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OBC Women's TT Series - 2011-Jun-14 - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.8921)

Weather (18:00): Sunny. Temperature: 24°C, Humidity: 45%, Dew point: 11°C, Wind: W 17km/h, Pressure: 101.5kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 26.
Weather (19:00): Mainly Sunny. Temperature: 24°C, Humidity: 44%, Dew point: 11°C, Wind: NNW 22 gust 35km/h, Pressure: 101.5kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 25.
Weather (20:00): Sunny. Temperature: 22°C, Humidity: 47%, Dew point: 10°C, Wind: NNW 24km/h, Pressure: 101.5kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: *.

This was a sunny and moderately warm, pleasant evening, though not particularly fast due to the increasing wind speeds that impeded us on the way back. Nine of the eleven women who rode last week as well were slower this week. Congratulations to Lesley Soper and Karen Byskov for being the two women who improved. Note that Lesley, new to time trials this year, has improved her average speed every time out so far, setting her database best tonight. An even greater improvement, more than 13%, was achieved by Cadet Female Myriam Burton, but this improvement was due to comparison with a low event factor day (look in the "EvtFactor" column) - namely 2011-May-05. The others who improved upon earlier database bests for 15km were 2nd place finisher Veronik Bourgon with an excellent time of 22:47, her first time below 23 minutes, Minime Male rider Hugh Xie, 27:55, who wanted to visit Dairy Queen to celebrate his first sub-28 minute time trial, and Flavia Nascimento, who took one second off of her previouws best of 27:31 that was set on last Thursday. Good riding all - It would be great to have even more women and special people out next week! Note that the highest number of participants ever recorded was on 1993-Jul-20, when there were 52 riders - 42 individual entrants and 5 teams of 2 women. For your curiousity, here is a graph showing the six of us who rode both of these time trials. Note that Jean Cooper and myself, Celia McInnis, were actually a little faster tonight than we were in that particular time trial of almost 18 years ago!

These results were posted on the OBC site circa 22:00 on 2011-Jun-14 and are available here for your added pleasure and analysis.

(Lest complaints about me just lazily sucking in the results surface, I wish to make it perfectly clear that I would gladly do the data entry, getting the results up within a few of hours of the event, as history shows that I did for the WTT series for the decade beginning in 1998, and for the OTT series from 1999-2002 and again in 2006. The OBC Board however, not only won't let me volunteer here, but strangely enough they actually expelled me from the OBC for donating this time trial web site to you !)


1 Matte, Sophie  SRC 22:00 40.909 1/42 U50F 1/10  
2 Bourgon, Veronik  OBC 22:47 39.503 2/42 U30F 1/4  
3 Dréano, Claude  OBC 23:20 38.571 3/42 U40F 1/9  
4 D'Aoust, Sylvie  CYF 23:48 37.815 4/42 U50F 2/10  
5 Marleau, Dianne  OBC/RWR 23:56 37.604 5/42 U50F 3/10  
6 LaViolette, Nicole  OBC 24:14 37.139 6/42 U50F 4/10 0.9590
7 Berthiaume, Alicia OBC 24:26 36.835 7/42 U40F 2/9 0.9940
Bradley, Kathy  OBC 24:26 36.835 7/42 U40F 2/9  
9 Bridges, Catherine & Gilchrist, Ryan  OBC 24:28 36.785 9/42 TAN 1/1  
10 Ingham, Alison  OBC/RWR 24:33 36.660 10/42 U50F 5/10  
11 Byway, Connor  OBC 24:35 36.610 11/42 U15M 1/3  
12 Pazdzior, Ellen  OBC 24:41 36.462 12/42 U60F 1/8 0.9760
13 Cormier, Natalie  OBC 24:44 36.388 13/42 U30F 2/4  
14 Boily, Veronique  FC 24:56 36.096 14/42 U30F 3/4 0.9280
15 Czaban, Christina  OBC 24:58 36.048 15/42 U30F 4/4  
s16 Xie, Bailin  OBC 25:06 35.857 16/42 U17F 1/2  
17 McInnis, Celia  ABC/CYF 25:25 35.410 17/42 U60F 2/8 0.9140
18 Higgs, Sharolyn  OBC/CYF 25:41 35.042 18/42 U40F 4/9  
19 Meyer, Lisa  OBC 25:47 34.906 19/42 U60F 3/8  
20 Soper, Lesley  OBC 26:03 34.549 20/42 U50F 6/10 1.0490
21 Gauthier, Barb  OBC 26:30 33.962 21/42 U60F 4/8 0.9350
22 Coney, Ingrid  OBC 26:44 33.666 22/42 U60F 5/8 0.9310
23 Konantz, Patricia  OBC/RWR 26:52 33.499 23/42 U60F 6/8 0.9930
24 Chiesa, Maria OBC/CYF 26:53 33.478 24/42 U40F 5/9  
25 Bender, Sandra  OBC 26:58 33.375 25/42 U50F 7/10  
26 Nascimento, Flavia  OBC 27:30 32.727 26/42 U40F 6/9  
27 Hébert, Lisa  OBC 27:33 32.668 27/42 U50F 8/10 0.9040
28 Xie, Hugh  OBC 27:55 32.239 28/42 U15M 2/3  
29 Chase, Jasmine  OBC 27:56 32.220 29/42 U15F 1/1  
30 Brown, Carole  OBC 28:11 31.934 30/42 U50F 9/10  
31 Johnson, Laura  OBC/CYF 28:18 31.802 31/42 U40F 7/9  
32 Ajersch, Mary  OBC 28:37 31.450 32/42 U80F 1/1 0.8650
33 Burton, Myriam  CYF 29:02 30.999 33/42 U17F 2/2  
34 Moxley, Beth  OBC 29:11 30.840 34/42 U70F 1/3  
35 MacDonald, Nicole  CYF 29:29 30.526 35/42 U40F 8/9  
36 Wilson, Barbara  OBC 29:38 30.371 36/42 U70F 2/3  
37 Trafford, Blake OBC 29:59 30.017 37/42 U15M 3/3  
38 Byskov, Karen  OBC 30:26 29.573 38/42 U40F 9/9 1.0080
39 Cooper, Jean  OBC 31:07 28.923 39/42 U70F 3/3 0.9860
40 Patrice, Micheline OBC 32:28 27.721 40/42 U60F 7/8  
41 Caron, Lili  OBC 36:11 24.873 41/42 U50F 10/10  
42 Chase, Marion
(on a hybrid)
OBC 36:20 24.771 42/42 U60F 8/8  
Average Speed of all of the above 17 finishes (255km in 07:44:56):32.908
>>>Average of the Average Speeds for these 17 finishes33.101<<<

The number of data records shown above is 42
The server processing of your query took: 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.04 CPU)

Thanks to our Helpers: Anna Delaney, Nicolas Dery, Barb Gauthier, Jim Glover, Lisa Hébert, Nicole LaViolette, André Marier, Don Wilson, Paul Young.


Apr 22 (Good Friday)
May 3 (10km) May 5 May 10 (10km) May 12 May 17 May 17 (10km) May 19 May 24 May 24 (10km) May 26 May 31 May 31 (10km)
Jun 2 Jun 5 (40km) Jun 7 Jun 7 Jun 9 Jun 13 (10km) Jun 14
  Jun 14  
Jun 16 Jun 21 Jun 21 Jun 23 Jun 27 (10km) Jun 28 (Cancelled - Severe Thunderstorm Warning) Jun 28 (Cancelled - Severe Thunderstorm Warning) Jun 30
Jul 5 Jul 5 Jul 7 Jul 10 (40km) Jul 11 (10km) Jul 12 Jul 12 Jul 14 Jul 16 (18.1km) Jul 19 Jul 19 Jul 21 Jul 24 (40km) Jul 25 Jul 26 Jul 26 Jul 28
Aug 2 Aug 2 Aug 4 Aug 7 (40km) Aug 8 Aug 9 (Cancelled - Rain) Aug 9 Aug 11 Aug 14 (40km) Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 16 Aug 18 Aug 23 Aug 23 Aug 25 Aug 30 Aug 30 (Invitational)
Sep 1 Sep 6 Sep 8 Sep 11 (40km) Sep 13 Sep 18 (40km) Sep 20 Sep 27

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OTT Best Three 15km Rankings
Overall     by category     age-Hcap Female   age-Hcap Male
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