This site, now in its 27th season, is a labour of love and fun from one of Ottawa's most avid time trialists and number crunchers. It adheres to and is permitted by the laws of Canada, promotes the objectives of every bicycle club whose results are shown, and is donated free of charge by myself for your enjoyment and usage. If you would like results from series you ride in to be shown here, give me ( a shout!
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CycleFit Chicks' Time Trial Series - 2012-May-28 - 10km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.8993)

Ottawa Weather (18:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 21°C, Humidity: 58%, Dew point: 13&de;C, Wind: E 23 gust 35km/h, Pressure: 101.0kPa, Vis: 10km, Humidex: *.
Ottawa Weather (19:00): Cloudy. Temperature: 20°C, Humidity: 59%, Dew point: 12&de;C, Wind: E 23 gust 37km/h, Pressure: 101.0kPa, Vis: 10km, Humidex: *.
Ottawa Weather (20:00): Cloudy. Temperature: 18°C, Humidity: 61%, Dew point: 10&de;C, Wind: E 24km/h, Pressure: 101.0kPa, Vis: 10km, Humidex: *.

Strong cold, east winds certainly did not break the spirits of tonight's seventeen CycleFit Chicks 10km time trialists - In fact one new rider, Danielle Krauel, added a little extra distance, missing the turn around and proceeding to the traffic light! As well, somehow six women even managed to improve upon their previous season-series best tonight! Susie Mattson posted the biggest improvement - upping her cube speed by a huge 28.68% from her ride on 2012-Apr-16. Note that we measure improvement in terms of the cube-speed, since the power used to drive a bicycle increases in accordance with the cube of the speed - two powers for air resistance and one power for rolling resistance. Sally O'Brien was the second most improved, by 23.53%, all the more incredible since this was on a Hybrid bicycle, with an upright position which must have been extremely difficult to keep moving on the outward leg. Janique Gagnon was the third most improved at an impressive 19.55%. Lyse Patenaude's cube-speed increase of 11.57% over her previous CFCTT 2012 best is excellent and noteworthy since she had ridden three CFCTTs previously this year. The other two improvers were monotonically non-decreasing Heather Crysdale with a 3.75% improvement and recumbent triker Thuy Do (up 2.73%) - Maybe Thuy's low position allowed her to slip under some of the wind! The rest of us were slower than our 2012 CFCTT bests. Celia McInnis, who left first so as to be back to help Jim at the finish line, took about 10 minutes for the first half of the course. She finished fastest in 18:38 but was the most "unimproved". Suzanne Pond (18:40) was just 2 seconds slower for second place and Caitlin Crooks (18:58) was third fastest. Celia and Caitlin only did about 90% of their previous 2012 CFCTT best, whereas Suzanne, remarkable for her consistency, managed more than 99%. You may click here to see a graph of the 2012 CFCTT 10km times for all riders. If instead you want to see the best 3 results for those who have done 3 or more 10km CFCTTs in 2012, change "1+" to "3" in the text box before "10km" in the blue box containing "Show best:" . If you want to sort each riders results by date, hit the "Date" button. Play around with his Advanced form to figure out how to extract the information that you are interested.


1 McInnis, Celia  ABC/CYF 18:38 32.200 1/17 U60F 1/4 0.8960
2 Pond, Suzanne  CYF 18:40 32.143 2/17 U40F 1/5 0.9920
3 Crooks, Caitlin  CYF 18:58 31.634 3/17 U40F 2/5 0.9080
4 Beauchamp, Angela  CYF 19:46 30.354 4/17 U40F 3/5 0.9650
5 Hall, Patrice  CYF 19:54 30.151 5/17 U40F 4/5 0.9340
6 Patenaude, Lyse  CYF 20:11 29.727 6/17 U60F 2/4 1.1160
7 Baxter, Brenda  CYF 20:12 29.703 7/17 U60F 3/4  
8 Gagnon, Janique  CYF 20:23 29.436 8/17 U50F 1/4 1.1960
9 LeBlanc, Karen  CYF 21:03 28.504 9/17 U30F 1/3 0.9330
10 Mattson, Susie  CYF 21:17 28.191 10/17 U40F 5/5 1.2870
11 Reddin, Cheri  CYF 21:20 28.125 11/17 U50F 2/4  
12 Crysdale, Heather  CYF 21:33 27.842 12/17 U60F 4/4 1.0380
13 Cheng, Caron  CYF 22:07 27.129 13/17 U50F 3/4  
14 Weiss, Alicia  CYF 22:12 27.027 14/17 U50F 4/4 0.9640
15 Krauel, Danielle 
(missed the turn - went to traffic light!)
CYF 22:26 26.746 15/17 U30F 2/3  
s16 O'Brien, Sally  CYF 26:57 22.263 16/17 U70F 1/1 1.2350
17 Do, Thuy  CYF 29:29 20.350 17/17 U30F 3/3 1.0270
Average Speed of all of the above 2 finishes (25km in 00:51:29):29.136
>>>Average of the Average Speeds for these 2 finishes29.63<<<

The number of data records shown above is 17
The server processing of your query took: 3 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.04 CPU)

Thanks to our Helpers: Jim Glover, Celia McInnis.


Apr 6 (Good Friday) Apr 16 (10km) Apr 23 (10km) (Cancelled - Cold Drizzle) Apr 30 (10km)
May 1 (10km) May 3 May 7 (10km) May 8 (10km) May 10 May 14 (10km) May 15 May 15 (10km) May 17 May 22 May 22 (10km) May 24
  May 28 (10km)  
May 29 May 29 (10km) May 31
Jun 3 (40km) Jun 4 (10km) Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 7 Jun 11 (10km) Jun 12 Jun 12 Jun 14 Jun 18 (10km) Jun 19 Jun 19 Jun 21 Jun 25 (10km) Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 28
Jul 2 (10km) Jul 3 Jul 3 Jul 5 Jul 8 (40km) Jul 9 Jul 10 Jul 10 Jul 12 Jul 16 Jul 17 Jul 17 Jul 19 Jul 22 (40km) Jul 23 (Cancelled - Thunderstorm) Jul 24 Jul 24 Jul 26 Jul 30 Jul 31 Jul 31
Aug 2 Aug 5 (40km) Aug 6 Aug 7 Aug 7 Aug 9 Aug 12 (40km) Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 14 Aug 16 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 21 Aug 23 Aug 28 Aug 28 (Invitational) Aug 30
Sep 2 (40km) Sep 4 Sep 6 Sep 9 (40km) Sep 11 Sep 13 Sep 18 Sep 25

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