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OBC Open TT Series - 2005-Sep-01 - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.9829)

Weather (18:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 25°C, Humidity: 55%, Dew point: 16&de;C, Wind: WSW 5km/h, Pressure: 100.8kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 30.
Weather (19:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 25°C, Humidity: 55%, Dew point: 15&de;C, Wind: WSW 5km/h, Pressure: 100.8kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 29.
Weather (20:00): Mainly Clear. Temperature: 23°C, Humidity: 61%, Dew point: 15&de;C, Wind: SW 8km/h, Pressure: 100.9kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 27.

September is here and the time trialling is still good. Of the 59 who had ridden previously in the 2005 OTT series, 30 improved and 3 tied their previous year-series best tonight. As well, you can see that there were a number of category best performances for 2005 hit tonight. Most impressive of these was almost certainly Mary Ajersch, who reset the OTT Series VDF (60-69 years of age) standard down to an impressive 24:23. Mary, about to turn 65 in a few weeks, also holds the ALL-SERIES VDF standard for the OBC Time Trial Series (OTT/WTT) of 24:20, set in the WTT series back on 2001-Aug-21, on a night when she even had a bit of a fall off of her bike - Surely she would have been in the 23's without the crash! It is also interesting to look at all of Mary's times handicapped by age via our current method. Tonight's performance ranks the best so far via this method (likely the crash in 2001 threw that one out of first spot), even though this method is considerably less generous towards women than it is towards men of the same age and cycling quality level. In particular, all 65 year olds are given the same handicap of 2:28 even though a woman will be several minutes slower than a man of the same cycling quality. Hence the woman is given less of a benefit for her increasing years than the man is. For example, giving a 2:28 benefit for a 24:23 ride rises the speed to 41.064 from 36.910 , ie., an increase of 4.154 km/h or a cube speed ratio (more reflective of the power associated with such an increase) benefit of 1.385 whereas giving 2:28 to a 65 year top quality man, riding, say, 22:00 would raise his speed to 46.075 from 40.909, ie., an increase of 5.166 km/h or a cube speed ratio benefit of 1.429. So the man of similar quality is getting a handicap time bonus of about 4.4% over Mary. Another anomaly of the current age handicapping method is the piece-wise linearity of the method, which certainly works against those not at the start of one of the linear handicapping zones, such as Mary and even more so for our oldest participant, Geoff Wright. At 77 years of age, he would have received an age-handicap of 100 seconds at age 59 and 8 more seconds per year since age 60 (currently a handicap of 4:04), a yearly bonus which has been decreasing in fractional effect since age 70. Mathematically, a direct result of giving a participant x more seconds per year for their handicap is that the proportional benefit of x more seconds is less each successive year! Geoff, at the 18th year in the 8-second per year handicap range (which was only added to fix the same mathematical problem that was clearly out-of-control in the 2002 Age-handicapping Method for the riders by age 60 after twenty years at the 5 second per year rate), is really getting short changed here. The mathematics is simple. Piecewise-linear is NOT sensible. One really needs a good, large, unbiased (ie., not the OBC data) statistical sample to set performance standards for each age. The British had devised such age-standards, even with attempts at gender-handicapping. By the way, the VTA method equates a 40 year old doing 25:30 for 10 miles with a 77 year old doing 34:06 for 10 miles. Translated to our distances, this would approximately equate a 40 year old doing 23:46 for 15 km with a 77 year old doing 31:46. That is the 40 year old speed of 37.867 km/h is equated with the 77 year old speed of 28.317 km/h. Geoff is considerably faster than that at about 33.395 km/h today, and such a speed, would hence be equated with a 40 year old speed of 44.6576 km/hr (20:09) by the British, ie., a handicap time of 26:57-20:09=6:48. So, the British method would give Geoff 2:44 more of a handicap than the 4:04 he would have received today via our method devised in 2003, and he would surely rank higher than 34th place! I'll implement such a method for your curiousity whenever I get the time, because I like mathematics and appreciate its utility in handicapping!


Y1 Datars, Paul  OBC 19:51 45.340 1/61 U50M 1/19 1.0180
Nash, Michael  OBC 19:51 45.340 1/61 U40M 1/12 0.9800
3 Rendall, Glen  OCA 20:13 44.518 3/61 U40M 2/12 0.9510
Y4 Sudac, Rick  OBC 20:27 44.010 4/61 U60M 1/7 1.0250
5 Henschel, Peter OBC 20:50 43.200 5/61 U50M 2/19 0.9860
6 Campbell, Colin  OBC 21:20 42.188 6/61 U50M 3/19 0.9980
7 Wright, Eric OBC 21:38 41.602 7/61 U40M 3/12 1.0540
8 Durand, Bernard  OBC 21:47 41.316 8/61 U50M 4/19 1.0870
9 Christie, Blair OBC 21:51 41.190 9/61 U40M 4/12 0.9930
10 Munden, David OBC 21:54 41.096 10/61 U40M 5/12 0.9680
11 Cameron, Allen  OBC 22:02 40.847 11/61 U50M 5/19 0.9620
12 Brill, Brent OBC 22:07 40.693 12/61 U40M 6/12 1.0070
13 Katz, Joel  OBC 22:10 40.602 13/61 U50M 6/19 1.0000
14 Bennett, Michael OBC 22:11 40.571 14/61 U40M 7/12 1.0550
15 Moerman, Bram  OBC 22:15 40.449 15/61 U70M 1/3 1.0020
16 Martignago, Mike OBC 22:28 40.059 16/61 U50M 7/19 0.9330
Y17 Lamarche, Simon OBC 22:34 39.882 17/61 U17M 1/4 1.0130
18 Burdett, Avery  OBC 22:45 39.560 18/61 U70M 2/3 0.9930
Coldwell, Michael  OBC 22:45 39.560 18/61 U50M 8/19 1.0700
20 Partridge, Stephen OBC 22:49 39.445 20/61 U40M 8/12 0.9980
Somogyi, Michel OBC 22:49 39.445 20/61 U30M 1/3 0.9700
22 Gauthier, Antoine OBC 22:58 39.187 22/61 U30M 2/3 0.9910
Musson, Harry OBC 22:58 39.187 22/61 U60M 2/7 0.9890
24 Hoisak, Dean OBC 22:59 39.159 24/61 U40M 9/12 0.9660
25 Wilkinson, Ross OBC 23:00 39.130 25/61 U50M 9/19 1.3550
26 Marushko, Roman OBC 23:06 38.961 26/61 U50M 10/19 0.9940
27 DeVidi, Robert  OBC 23:11 38.821 27/61 U50M 11/19 1.0980
28 Pazdzior, Ellen  OBC 23:17 38.654 28/61 U50F 1/2  
29 Hess, Detlef OBC 23:22 38.516 29/61 U50M 12/19 0.9870
30 Russell, Susanne OBC 23:24 38.462 30/61 U30F 1/2 0.9230
31 Burge, Larry  OBC 23:27 38.380 31/61 U50M 13/19 0.9230
32 Danais, Marie OCA 23:31 38.271 32/61 U40F 1/3 1.0500
33 Boyd, Derek OBC 23:35 38.163 33/61 U30M 3/3 0.9380
Hall, David  OBC 23:35 38.163 33/61 U50M 14/19 1.0720
35 Austen, Ian  OBC 23:50 37.762 35/61 U50M 15/19 1.0280
36 Gobuyan, Tim OBC 24:07 37.319 36/61 U19M 1/1 1.0130
37 Humphreys, Les  OBC/ABC 24:10 37.241 37/61 U70M 3/3 0.9900
38 Powers-Kelly, Sean OBC 24:11 37.216 38/61 U17M 2/4 0.9530
39 Marchand, Claude OBC 24:14 37.139 39/61 U50M 16/19 1.2370
Y40 Ajersch, Mary  OBC 24:23 36.910 40/61 U70F 1/1 1.0950
41 Janusauskas, Vytas  OBC 24:27 36.810 41/61 U60M 3/7 0.9840
42 Lee, Connor OBC 24:31 36.710 42/61 U17M 3/4  
43 McLaughlin, Brian OBC 24:39 36.511 43/61 U50M 17/19 1.0290
44 Ross, Michael OBC 24:43 36.413 44/61 U40M 10/12 0.8540
45 Bradley, Kathy  OBC 24:49 36.266 45/61 U40F 2/3 1.1060
46 Weiner, Lorne OBC 24:54 36.145 46/61 U60M 4/7 1.0410
47 Mills, Peter  OBC 24:55 36.120 47/61 U40M 11/12 1.0680
48 Fee, Norm OCA 25:00 36.000 48/61 U50M 18/19 1.0740
49 Marchand, André OBC 25:09 35.785 49/61 U17M 4/4 1.0490
50 Coburn, Richard OBC 25:12 35.714 50/61 U40M 12/12 0.9630
51 Foote, Lloyd OBC 25:16 35.620 51/61 U50M 19/19 1.0810
52 Hind, Terry OBC 25:31 35.271 52/61 U60M 5/7 1.0320
Y53 Blondin, Ivanie OBC 25:33 35.225 53/61 U17F 1/1 1.0180
54 Konantz, Patricia  OBC 25:43 34.997 54/61 U60F 1/1 1.1000
55 Stoeger, Monika OBC 25:44 34.974 55/61 U40F 3/3 1.0640
56 McInnis, Celia  OBC 25:55 34.727 56/61 U50F 2/2 0.9680
57 Stein, Hurd OBC 25:58 34.660 57/61 U60M 6/7 1.0490
58 Skvaridlo, Rick-Paul OBC 26:16 34.264 58/61 U15M 1/1 1.0000
59 Scallion, Kate OBC 26:50 33.540 59/61 U30F 2/2 1.7850
Y60 Wright, Geoffrey  OBC 26:57 33.395 60/61 U80M 1/1 1.0000
61 Hardy, Robert OBC 27:30 32.727 61/61 U60M 7/7 0.9710
Average Speed of all of the above 5 finishes (75km in 01:37:12):46.296
>>>Average of the Average Speeds for these 5 finishes46.307<<<

The number of data records shown above is 61
The server processing of your query took: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.05 CPU)

Thanks to our Helpers: John Ajersch, Sean Gates, Jim Glover, Alison Ingham, Allison McKay, Andrea McKay.


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