This site, now in its 27th season, is a labour of love and fun from one of Ottawa's most avid time trialists and number crunchers. It adheres to and is permitted by the laws of Canada, promotes the objectives of every bicycle club whose results are shown, and is donated free of charge by myself for your enjoyment and usage. If you would like results from series you ride in to be shown here, give me ( a shout!
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CycleFit Chicks' Time Trial Series - 2011-Aug-15 - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 1)

Weather (18:00): Cloudy. Temperature: 23°C, Humidity: 75%, Dew point: 18°C, Wind: E 13km/h, Pressure: 100.9kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 29.
Weather (19:00): Cloudy. Temperature: 22°C, Humidity: 74%, Dew point: 17°C, Wind: ENE 15km/h, Pressure: 100.9kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 27.
Weather (20:00): Cloudy. Temperature: 21°C, Humidity: 79%, Dew point: 17°C, Wind: ENE 9km/h, Pressure: 101.0kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 27.

For those of us who managed to forget how hard it was going into the east wind on the way out, it was a fine evening for a time trial. Anyway, eleven of us rode and finished in good spirits. Celia McInnis (that's me) with 24:58 was fastest and the most improved over her best 2011 CFCC, despite still battling a cold and a bad ear infection. Heather Tkalec was second in 27:00, an improvement of about 4.5% in her cube speed from the last time when she did 27:24. She felt that Sylvie's aero helmet was helpful here. Susan MacIsaac was third in 27:06, 45 seconds slower than her database base of 26:21 which was set in the CycleFit Chicks time trial on 2011-Jul-25, perhaps not yet fully recovered from her fast practice ride of the 20km course that a number of us tried out in preparation for next Sunday's Provincial Championships Time Trial. Fourth place Vie Babikian improved her cube speed by about 4.3%. She asked to start first, and was the first back. We joked that she could have started almost a minute and a half later and still been first over the finish line! There were a number of excellent legitimate and illegitimate excuses for lost time, one of the funniest being the distraction of swallowing a bug - yes, this happens when your mouth is open to breath hard! Among the more legitimate ones was the fact that our youngest rider, 17 year old Camille Bédard, had never done a time trial as long as 15km before. She has been doing well on the young Quebec racing scene where the time trial distance is usually about 7km. She was tired at the end but posted a good time of 29:02, right in the middle of the rankings. Diane Houston had to overcome the biggest handicap with her rain gear and luggage, shown here in the 2011-Jul-11 rainy time trial. She may have been slowest at 35:33, but 25.318km/h is impresive considering the challenge of what she was wearing and carrying! Anyway this was the last of the six CycleFit Chicks time trials for 2011. You may click here to see the results of those who have done more than one CFCTT take in 2011.


S1 McInnis, Celia  ABC/CYF 24:58 36.048 1/11 U60F 1/3 1.0800
s2 Tkalec, Heather  CYF 27:00 33.333 2/11 U40F 1/5 1.0450
3 MacIsaac, Susan  OBC/CYF 27:06 33.210 3/11 U50F 1/2 0.9190
4 Babikian, Vie  CYF 28:04 32.067 4/11 U50F 2/2 1.0430
5 Teolis, Isabelle  CYF 28:22 31.727 5/11 U40F 2/5  
S6 Bédard, Camille  CYF 29:02 30.999 6/11 U19F 1/1  
7 Skelton, Holly  CYF 29:29 30.526 7/11 U40F 3/5  
8 Kiviaho, Sandra  CYF 29:50 30.168 8/11 U40F 4/5  
9 Pompeo, Angela  CYF 29:55 30.084 9/11 U60F 2/3 0.9380
10 Avery, Danielle  CYF 31:20 28.723 10/11 U40F 5/5  
11 Houston, Diane  CYF 35:33 25.316 11/11 U60F 3/3 0.8130
Average Speed of all of the above 7 finishes (105km in 02:44:47):38.232
>>>Average of the Average Speeds for these 7 finishes38.297<<<

The number of data records shown above is 11
The server processing of your query took: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.03 CPU)

Thanks to our Helpers: Jean-Paul Bédard, Grégoire Crevier, Sylvie D'Aoust, Sharolyn Higgs.


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May 3 (10km) May 5 May 10 (10km) May 12 May 17 May 17 (10km) May 19 May 24 May 24 (10km) May 26 May 31 May 31 (10km)
Jun 2 Jun 5 (40km) Jun 7 Jun 7 Jun 9 Jun 13 (10km) Jun 14 Jun 14 Jun 16 Jun 21 Jun 21 Jun 23 Jun 27 (10km) Jun 28 (Cancelled - Severe Thunderstorm Warning) Jun 28 (Cancelled - Severe Thunderstorm Warning) Jun 30
Jul 5 Jul 5 Jul 7 Jul 10 (40km) Jul 11 (10km) Jul 12 Jul 12 Jul 14 Jul 16 (18.1km) Jul 19 Jul 19 Jul 21 Jul 24 (40km) Jul 25 Jul 26 Jul 26 Jul 28
Aug 2 Aug 2 Aug 4 Aug 7 (40km) Aug 8 Aug 9 (Cancelled - Rain) Aug 9 Aug 11 Aug 14 (40km)
  Aug 15  
Aug 16 Aug 16 Aug 18 Aug 23 Aug 23 Aug 25 Aug 30 Aug 30 (Invitational)
Sep 1 Sep 6 Sep 8 Sep 11 (40km) Sep 13 Sep 18 (40km) Sep 20 Sep 27

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