This site, now in its 27th season, is a labour of love and fun from one of Ottawa's most avid time trialists and number crunchers. It adheres to and is permitted by the laws of Canada, promotes the objectives of every bicycle club whose results are shown, and is donated free of charge by myself for your enjoyment and usage. If you would like results from series you ride in to be shown here, give me ( a shout!
NOTE that this site had to be quickly moved to a new server with a new version of Perl. Unfortunately the way of interacting with the web form has changed, so I'll have to do some reprogramming to get the buttons and search boxes working. Meanwhile the links work fine and you can always add query specifications into the URL! :-)

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OBC Women's TT Series - 2013-Aug-27 (Invitational) - 15km (Rockliffe Pkwy) (EvtFactor= 0.9805)

Ottawa Weather (18:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 26°C, Humidity: 73%, Dew point: 21°C, Wind: SSE 8km/h, Pressure: 101.1kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 35.
Ottawa Weather (19:00): Mostly Cloudy. Temperature: 25°C, Humidity: 80%, Dew point: 21°C, Wind: SSE 8km/h, Pressure: 101.1kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 33.
Ottawa Weather (20:00): Partly Cloudy. Temperature: 22°C, Humidity: 89%, Dew point: 20°C, Wind: SSE 8km/h, Pressure: 101.2kPa, Vis: 24km, Humidex: 30.

Thanks to Stephan Dumont for the start-line photos which are posted on facebook. Feel invited to tag and comment upon them.

There were nineteen team or single entrants in tonight's WTT Invitational, and the times ranged from 20:16 (44.408km/h) for "The Wheeler and the follower" speedy team of Kelly Knowles and Marcel Lavoie to 38:39 (23.286km/h) for the "Waiting for Mr. Wright (Get Wright soon, Geoffrey!)" team of Celia McInnis and the lazy Red Skeleton peering out between the two old style lanterns on the back of her cargo bike (click here or on the last thumbnail above to see a video taken by Shiree Nowaselski). Whoever said "It's not about the bike" either hasn't ridden one of Celia's heavily decorated bikes, or, well, they have admitted to taking something illegal! Celia had TT fun for at least 8 minutes and 44 seconds more than anybody else. It was a nice night for a time trial - fairly low air pressure, warm, and very little wind. Seven of the 10 women who rode as individuals improved upon their 2013 WTT previous best. Nancy Luitwieler (25:58, 34.660 km/h) was the only single entrant to improve upon a 15km previous personal database best, and she did so by 22 seconds, a 4.3% cube speed improvement. The biggest database improvement of the night, though, goes to the fastest team, "The Wheeler and the follower". Kelly Knowles and Marcel Lavoie rode the WTT Invitational once before, in 2010 when they did 22:43. Both Kelly and Marcel have improved considerably as individual time trialists since 2010, so it was great to see how well they did as a team tonight. Congratulations to Kelly, Marcel and Nancy for your improvements, and way to go for all of the rest of us! Our only regret was that Geoffrey Wright was not there riding with us. As a fit 85 year old who had recently won a silver medal in the world duathlon championship on 2013-Aug-10 and a volunteer every week for the WTT series, Celia had invited him to ride the Invitational with her (on fast bikes). Unfortunately Geoff had a bicycle accident a week before the event and is still in the hospital. We brought him a "Get Wright Soon, Geoff!" card with our good wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

These results were posted on the OBC site circa 14:00 on 2013-Aug-30 and are available here for your added pleasure and analysis.