The Sep 5 2002 Street-Sweeper, Carcass Kicker-Offer Report

We are most fortunate to have amongst our participants a woman - a fast woman - who has taken to working the streets in her retirement years. :-) Here is her report for this week.

Hi Celia,

I almost didn't do a sweep today. I went out at 3:15 with my trusty brush, and so glad I had it with me.

On the shoulder prior to the overpass, I encountered about 80 feet of minute glass pieces from a broken beer bottle. I can't figure out how so much glass was strewn over such a large area. Needless to say, I must have looked rather silly to cars passing by--stooped over sweeping the shoulder. I wonder if they thought it was a University Initiation Challenge.

The rest was insignificant compared to the above:

Bye for now,


The unofficial TT Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker-Offer