The Aug 6 2002 Street-Sweeper, Carcass Kicker-Offer Report

We are most fortunate to have amongst our participants a woman - a fast woman - who has taken to working the streets in her retirement years. :-) Here is her report for this week.

Hi Celia,

I ventured out today, August 6, at 12:30 p.m. with my Trusty Brush; however, there was no glass to sweep.

Clean up was relatively easy today. No roadkill.


The following piece of debris still puzzles me. I saw a brown paper LCBO bag lying on the shoulder of the overpass. When I stopped to pick it up there was an empty wine bottle inside. Did someone throw it out a their car window? Why didn't it shatter? Was a rubby sitting there drinking, contemplating suicide? Was it left there by a teenager, who decided not to throw it at cars below? Did a drunken cyclist leave it last night? Did an OBCer leave it there to confound me??


Mary, S.S., C.K.O. (Sweet Sweeper, Carcass Kicker-Offer)