ABC 15km Time Trial - 2003 Jun 17 - Two Tantrum Tales (TTT)

Notes printed with the jovial permissions of the authors.

A Reading from the Letters of John, the Time Trial Participant

Hi Celia,

On Tuesday I was DNF and TT at the TT. My chain came off at the 12km mark and was jammed in by the frame. When I couldn't get the chain free - in an uncharacteristic (I like to think) fit, I swore and launched the bike into the ditch. Now the funny part. I climb in to get the bike and hear a hissing sound. I've given my poor bike a flat. Oh well, so starts the walk to the finish;-) But that only accounts for one Temper Tantrum.


(John Brewster, ABC TT Participant)

A Reading from the Letters of John, the Time Trial Official

Hi Celia - You probably had to be there to see the full humour of the situation.

I have been acting as time trial official for about 14 years, after I decided that I would never break 30:00 for 15k. I probably have as many 'butterflies' prior to the event as do the riders themselves. After the event on Sunday, where we had the largest field ever, we realized that our pre-race procedures should be modified, and even practice these new procedures on our Tuesday evening events, where the field is usually smaller.

Everyone was instructed to remember their start time as their race number, and call out the number as they finished. We had a field of 10, the start went off as usual, even though a slower competitor arrived at the last minute, and went off as rider number ten. My wife, Sherry left for the turn-around as marshall, and I walked back to the finish line.

I dutifully recorded race numbers and times, two finishers called out wrong numbers. Sherry arrived back from the turn, and when the tenth rider arrived, I realized that there were only nine finish times. Well, you would have thought that the Apocalypse had just occurred. I was mad at myself. "I have never missed a time", blah, blah, blah..., some might say I was losing it.

Then, the tenth rider came back to say that someone was at the side of the road... We motored back 1km, and our last rider was walking his bike. His chain came off, he couldn't get it straightened out, time was passing by, and in a fit of disgust he had thrown his bike into the ditch. This did not help his situation, because now he had a flat tire.

Maybe I need help. Can you recommend a therapist?

Cheers - John
(John Warren, ABC TT Official)

Playing with the New Procedures

Hi Celia,

... I've just read John's story on your page and wonder if maybe he did hear me shout out my number as the van aproached;-)


(John Brewster, ABC TT Participant)