Mary Ajersch's S.S. & C.K.O (Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker Offer) Report - 2003 Sep 18

Hi Celia,

As always, I set out with my trusty brush in my jersey pocket, looking for ever increasing cycling hazards on the Parkway.

I normally stop to sweep away areas of gravel or shattered glass. Today, I failed to complete that portion of my unofficial job. Due to construction, the shoulder of the road near the 174 overpass was strewn with large sections of gravel. It would have taken me hours to sweep away that amount of gravel. The job compares to sweeping the kitchen floor with a tooth brush.

  1. I continued on my ride and kicked of 5 large chunks of pavement. At the rate the shoulder is breaking up, we won't have any shoulder next spring.

  2. I actually kicked off a carcass. A deceased mourning dove, was intact and fairly easy to kick off the road. I must be honest with you--I admit that I really despise mourning doves. It gave me a secret pleasure to kick it into the ditch. I hate their monotonous monotone early-morning cries, "Ooooo, ooooo, ooooo!" "Ooooo, ooooo, ooooo!" "Ooooo, ooooo, ooooo!" I can sleep through the chirping of birds, but the infernal cry of a mourning dove pierces my brain. Will it's relatives come haunting me early tomorrow morning, for my dastardly irreverent act? Will the animal activists attack me for voicing my dislike for the above small-headed creature?
I thought of the Monty Python Skip re. the Dead Parrot--perhaps it wasn't dead, just resting. Probably not, there were too many feathers scattered around the area.

The TT season is coming to an end. I hope to come out to the last TT next week. If I can't make it, this may be the last official report from the unofficial Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker Offer.
