Mary Ajersch's S.S. & C.K.O (Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker Offer) Report - 2003 Jun 17

Hi Celia,

I resumed my unsolicited volunteer position as Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker Offer.

I set out on my 2:30 p.m. ride with my trusty little brush in my jersey pocket.

The inventory of items kicked and swept is as follows:

I swept off a serious amount of gravel which accompanied the ever-growing crater-on-the-white-line near the Green's Creek Parking Lot.

I kicked off 10 pieces of asphalt, strewn across a section of the paved shoulder, and took the liberty to sweep off the accompanying large chunks of gravel.

I kicked off a large sharp unidentified metal object 18" x 4".

And finally, the piece-de-resistance, I kicked off my first road kill of the season--a desiccated squirrel.

That's all for today.
