Mary Ajersch's S.S. & C.K.O (Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker Offer) Report - 2004 May 6

Hi Celia,

I'm coming down with a cold and wasn't up to cycling a TT today; however, I ventured out late this afternoon to perform my first job of the season as SS & CKO.

Not too bad for the first day. I kicked off three chunks of asphalt, and a hub cap.

I stopped by the Aviation Parking lot to say hello to the Time Trialists, and then headed home in an eastly direction with Dave Lennox.

I thought I had finished my job for the day, unfortunately I came across my most difficult task as Carcass Kicker Offer. About 2 K from the start line I saw a large lifeless groundhog roadkill lying to the left of the shoulder line. Naturally I had to remove this obstacle. I thought of Paul Datar's presentation at the OBC Social a two weeks ago. He said he always rides left of that line.

Since the critter was intact, I chose to pull it off the highway by its bushy tail. To my surprise it reared it's head, it was not quite deceased. Now what?? Dave provided me with a long stick which he found near the pathway. I gently rolled the critter into the ditch. It was a horrible experience. I wish it had been dead. They shoot horses don't they? Hope it didn't suffer long.

Bye for now,

Sad Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker Offer.