Mary Ajersch's S.S. & C.K.O (Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker Offer) Report - 2004 Aug 31

Hi Celia,

My last volunteer effort as SS&CKO for the WTT was performed today. It was a relatively easy job, only two chunks of pavement were removed.

My final roadkill removal was fairly simple. I approached the intact groundhog on the shoulder of the road with minor trepidation, for fear he would rear his head and snarl at me (as one of its kind did earlier this summer). Since there were flies buzzing around and he was slightly bloated, I assumed he was dead, deceased, and departed. I simply kicked him gently off the shoulder.

When it comes to carcasses, it has been a relatively interesting year as volunteer SS&CKO.

Until next season,

Mary Ajersch